On The Blog

News, tutorials and case-studies from the OpenFaaS team.

  • Introducing Serverless with Hashicorp Nomad, Consul, and Vault

    Nomad Vault Hashicorp Providers

    Learn how to deploy Serverless Functions on Hashicorp Nomad with faas-nomad, a provider maintained by Andrew Cornies.

    Andrew Cornies

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  • Meet us at KubeCon 2019, Barcelona

    Community Events End-user Kubecon Kubernetes

    I’ll outline a few places where you can find us if you’d like to catch a session, grab a coffee, swag or just chat about Kubernetes and Serverless.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Get to grips with Serverless Kubernetes this Spring

    Community Workshop Events Kubernetes

    In this post I want to run through my top five tips for getting to grips with Serverless on Kubernetes. If you’re taking some time off over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, then grab a cup of tea or coffee and your laptop to begin learning.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Staying on topic: trigger your OpenFaaS functions with Apache Kafka

    Kafka Tutorial Examples

    In this post I will show you how you can build subscriptions between your OpenFaaS functions and your Apache Kafka topics. I’ll be using Kubernetes to show you around, but the connector-sdk works with any OpenFaaS provider.

    Martin Dekov

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  • Simple Serverless with Golang Functions and Microservices

    Templates Golang Go

    In my previous post I demonstrated how the OpenFaaS CLI and build-templates can enable functions on any container orchestrator such as Kubernetes or Google Cloud Run. In today’s post I will focus on how to deploy your Golang code to OpenFaaS either as a function or as a stateless microservice.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Run your OpenFaaS Functions on Google Cloud Run for free

    Cloud Kubernetes Cicd Gitops

    In this post I’ll introduce Google’s new Cloud Run product which like OpenFaaS allows any HTTP Server packaged in a Docker or OCI image format to be deployed and scaled.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Introducing OpenFaaS Cloud with GitLab

    Cloud Cicd Gitops

    In this post, I’ll walk you through how to provision your own OpenFaaS Cloud connected to a self-hosted GitLab instance, so that you can run your Serverless functions and stateless microservices on any private or public cloud.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Process Google Forms Responses with OpenFaaS

    Productivity C# Dotnet Tutorial Examples

    In this post, I’ll walk you through to use OpenFaaS and dotnet / C# to get notified on Slack every time that someone fills out your Google Form.

    Burton Rheutan

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  • How to build a Serverless Single Page App

    End-user Single-page-app Tutorial Kubernetes Openfaas-cloud

    Whatever the term “Serverless” means for you, it is very much here. You may be wondering where that leaves you when you need to build and ship a Single Page App for a customer, a client or for an internal project.

    Alex Ellis

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  • FaaS comes to Fargate: OpenFaaS with AWS Fargate

    Fargate Automation Tutorial

    How to run OpenFaaS on AWS Fargate with economical, auto-scaling containers. A low friction AWS native deployment using VPCs, ECS, security groups, ALBs, AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Route 53 for DNS, load-balancing and service discovery.

    Edward Wilde

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