On The Blog

News, tutorials and case-studies from the OpenFaaS team.

  • Introducing stateless microservices for OpenFaaS

    Kubernetes Swarm Microservices

    I want to share some news with you. We’ve merged and released support for stateless microservices in OpenFaaS 0.9.0. This means you can now take advantage of the simple, but powerful developer experience of OpenFaaS as a single pane of glass to manage your FaaS functions and microservices. The whole experience is included from the CLI, to the Prometheus metrics to the built-in auto-scaling. Even scaling to zero is supported. I’ll walk you through deploying a Ruby and Sinatra guestbook backed by MySQL deployed to OpenFaaS with Kubernetes.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Deploy OpenFaaS and Kubernetes on DigitalOcean with Ansible

    Automation Kubernetes Swarm Ansible

    This article will demonstrate how to have an OpenFaaS instance up and running on a DigitalOcean droplet in around 5 minutes through an Ansible playbook. You can pick either Kubernetes or Docker Swarm in the tutorial.

    Richard Gee

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  • 5 tips and tricks for the OpenFaaS CLI

    Cli Kubernetes Swarm

    In this post I’ll share 5 top tips for boosting productivity with the OpenFaaS CLI. The CLI is used by developers to interact with OpenFaaS from the terminal is the most popular part of the project for new contributors to cut their teeth on. Since 2017 the contributors been incrementally fine-tuning the developer-experience through user-feedback, new features and productivity-boosters.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Multi-stage Serverless on Kubernetes with OpenFaaS and GKE

    Auto-scaling Kubernetes Gke

    This is a guide on how to set up OpenFaaS on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with a cost-effective, auto-scaling, multi-stage deployment.

    Stefan Prodan

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  • Serverless Security: read-only functions with OpenFaaS

    Security Kubernetes Swarm

    In this post I’ll highlight one of the ways we’re making OpenFaaS a more secure environment for your production functions and workloads.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Scale to Zero and Back Again with OpenFaaS

    Auto-scaling Kubernetes Swarm

    In this post I’ll explain how you can now save resources by having OpenFaaS automatically scale functions to zero replicas and back to their minimum replica-level again whenever they are needed. The zero-scale feature consists of scaling up from zero and scaling down to zero, both work very together to provide cost savings and efficient use of resources.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Introducing the OpenFaaS Operator for Serverless on Kubernetes


    This blog post introduces OpenFaaS Operator which is a CRD and Controller for OpenFaaS on Kubernetes. We started working on this in the community in October last year to enable a tighter integration with Kubernetes. The most visible way you’ll see this is by being able to type in kubectl get functions.

    Alex Ellis

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