On The Blog

News, tutorials and case-studies from the OpenFaaS team.

  • Scale to Zero and Back Again with OpenFaaS

    Auto-scaling Kubernetes Swarm

    In this post I’ll explain how you can now save resources by having OpenFaaS automatically scale functions to zero replicas and back to their minimum replica-level again whenever they are needed. The zero-scale feature consists of scaling up from zero and scaling down to zero, both work very together to provide cost savings and efficient use of resources.

    Alex Ellis

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  • Introducing the OpenFaaS Operator for Serverless on Kubernetes


    This blog post introduces OpenFaaS Operator which is a CRD and Controller for OpenFaaS on Kubernetes. We started working on this in the community in October last year to enable a tighter integration with Kubernetes. The most visible way you’ll see this is by being able to type in kubectl get functions.

    Alex Ellis

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